How to become an accredited TMAP Training Provider and Trainer?

iSQI provides a quick, straightforward process to become an accredited TMAP training provider and trainer.
Most training providers (>90%) use the standard training material that can be licensed via iSQI, as described below. If you would like to develop your own training material, please contact iSQI at to find out about the process. On this page, we only describe the process for using the standard material.
A company can apply to become an accredited Training Provider. A person can apply to become an accredited Trainer. Trainers always have to be related to a Training Provider.
The Training provider licenses a master copy of the course material. On behalf of the TMAP SIG, iSQI grants the Training Provider a non-exclusive, revocable and non-transferable license to use the training material required.
There is no cost for licensing the standard TMAP material. The concept of TMAP certification demands the unity of course and exam; the license fee cost will be charged as (a minor) part of the exam fee for participants.

The accreditation process includes completing the following accreditation forms:

  1.  TMAP Training Provider Accreditation (TP form)
    Any training provider (TP) interested in becoming TMAP accredited needs to submit this form. In the form, TP should select your desired accreditation route (license course materials or create your own materials), as well as your intended trainers.
  2.  TMAP Trainer Accreditation Form (Trainer Form)
    Each trainer mentioned in the TP form needs to provide his/her CV to demonstrate experience in the domain and as a trainer. A trainer accreditation is only valid in combination with a corresponding TP accreditation. To become accredited, a trainer has to pass the related TMAP examination before they start to run their own training courses and has to meet the TMAP trainer requirements as outlined in the accreditation guidelines.

If you are interested in becoming an accredited TMAP Training Provider and Trainer, please contact us at with the request for accreditation guidelines and forms.
Find all accredited TP’s 

For any further questions regarding TMAP certification and the related accreditation process, please contact us at